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Welcome to El Portal!

This is our website, here you will find all information about our services, which we offer to enjoy the most of your visit to Semuc Champey wonderful park!

You can make a reservation or call us to:


Eco Hostel "El Portal de Champey"

The Portal is the only Eco Hostel located next to Semuc Champey, made with local materials (wood, leaves, etc..) Respecting the natural environment, with labor and local economic investment, with a magical setting, surrounded by the River Cahabón, cacao, copal, annatto, cardamom and variety of exotic plants in the region.


Here you can hear the song of the birds and their impressive viewpoint that gives a view of the pools and crystal clear waters invite you to swim in paradise and unique in the world, Semuc Champey.

Semuc Champey

Warm waters and crystal clear turquoise adorn the park.


Semuc Champey (where the river is hiding in the mountains), is a natural site located 12 km approx. Lanquín south, in the department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Hostal el Portal de Semuc Champey
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